Business credit cards are credit cards geared primarily toward small business owners. They generally provide many of the same benefits associated with non-business credit cards, though they may include additional perks that are particularly attractive to business owners. In order to help small business owners get the most out of business credit cards and to fully understand how they can benefit their respective businesses, has launched a comprehensive guide to small business credit cards ( )., based in Los Angeles and owned and operated by Optimum Interactive, is a site dedicated to helping consumers and business owners learn more about maintaining control of their finances and using their credit cards for maximum benefit.
"There are many benefits associated with business credit cards," said Rob Willard, managing director of Optimum Interactive and Credit Card ( ). "From businesses that are just getting started to those that have been long established, there are many reasons to use a business credit card as an important tool in a small business&39; financial tool belt."
One of the perks to business credit cards is the fact that they allow business owners to quickly obtain short-term "loans" or much needed short-term financing to help fund a project or even get an entire business venture started. This eliminates the need to borrow from friends or to go through a lengthy loan process with a bank.
"For the entrepreneur looking to get a new business started who might not have many credit options, business credit cards can be a great option," continued Willard. "If your credit is decent, most business owners will find it fairly simple to acquire a card. The credit limit and terms of the offer will vary based on the business owner&39;s credit standing, but this is far simpler than going through a bank and might be more appealing than borrowing from a friend or relative."
Business credit cards typically have additional benefits that are even more attractive to small business owners. For example, these cards typically detail and categorize itemized purchases very well, making it easier for the business owner to track expenses. Business owners can also request additional cards for their employees, making it possible for the employees to easily track and expense company purchases. Employers can then easily monitor the purchases of each employee, ensuring the spending privileges are not being abused.
Many business credit cards also provide business owners with discounts on items such as office supplies and equipment. Similar to many of non-business credit cards currently offered in the marketplace, business owners can select a card that offers rewards or cash back rebates as well. Generally, the business owner will receive a higher percentage rate of return on purchases typically made by business owners, such as gasoline, office supplies, and travel expenses.
As with traditional credit cards, there is an incredibly wide array of business credit cards from which to choose. And depending upon the type of business and the types of purchases the business owner makes, some business credit card offers will no doubt make better choices than others. In order to help business owners properly compare business credit cards and to learn how to utilize these cards as an important part of a small business&39;s finances, has provided a comprehensive database of available business credit cards as well as educational articles ( ) to help guide the business owner through the selection process. Visit to learn more.
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